Sunday, February 7, 2016


        What will life be like without a partner in your marriage. I will quickly touch relevant points on this issue to spare you some adequate time.
Marriage is a legalized and recognized union of a man and a woman( or in some jurisdiction people of the same sex) as partners in a relationship as it may be. But this isn't all about marriage. Marriage is something we need to be prepared for and be ready to handle the effects of it with a lot of caution. I'm not trying to school you much on this topic because you perhaps already know little or much of it, but i'm trying to cement  your marriage or prepare you with some hot quality tips which may help you stay in your marriage for life.Here we go.
1. Respect:   Many marriages falls on rocks just months after the wedding. This is because either one of the partner fails to respect the other,hence making a good chance for the marriage to collapse. I will always advice that women should be of a better position to bring and motive respect in marriage. Respect your husband no matter the circumstances you guys might be facing.
2. Fun time: Desist to be a sadist in your marriage. create platforms for laughter and humor. Try this magic, you will never find your wife or husband sinking in regret of ever getting married to you. Most people mistake  fun for pleasure , and some go far to ignore this aspect in their marriage. 
3. The mighty man/woman. This simple tip is for couples who wish to be conservative and boost out the value of marriage. The mighty person in you should take you to a certain level of self-esteem. Make marriage seen as a piece of Gold for those who aren't married.
4. Communication: Make sure to always communicate your feelings to you spouse especially when you guys are newly married. Remember, marriage is also a process of understanding your partner. Air out your feelings freely to each other. Never let guessing be part of your marriage.
5. Never talk negatively about your spouse:    If you’re going through a difficult time in your marriage and you need advice, see a counselor. Family counseling is a great tool, but try to remember that your family members and friends are not the most objective people to give advice. The argument they are hearing is one-sided and they often build up negative feelings toward your spouse, which usually doesn't subside once you and your husband have gotten past it. Protect his image with those that you’re close with and seek help from those that can actually be objective.  your mother or father cannot be objective.
6. Love:This point is so important in a broad way.  There are times in a marriage that you feel you don't  love  you partner anymore. Choose to love anyway. There are times when you may not be attracted to your husband anymore. Choose to love anyway. Marriage is a commitment. In sickness and health, in good times and in bad. Those vows are sacred. They don’t say “if you have bad times”. They say “in good times and in bad”, implying that there will be bad times. It’s inevitable. So choose to love anyway. 
7. Names to call your partner in your marriage : Choose sweet and pleasant names to call each other, and make sure to use nice words to your partner. Even when you seem angry still use these names to address your partner and you will definitely realize  the magic. 
8.Forgive in your marriage. when you have the attitude of forgiven you will always succeed in your marriage.
9. Acknowledge your fault in your marriage. Never refuse or be obstinate  to accept your fault in common and small problems you might have with your partner as this may result to a more bigger misunderstanding between you two.
10. Don't be secretive: Keeping a lot of things away from you partner will result to a big misunderstanding. 

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